Facial Services

A healthy, glowing complexion helps you face the world confidently. Adding a facial to your skincare regimen can work wonders because your aesthetician has the skill and training for your specific skin issues. At Sugar Body NY , we’ve committed to producing results that yield nothing less than radiant skin you can show off with pride. We offer luxurious, soothing facials to cleanse, exfoliate, extract, and hydrate the skin with nourishing, clean ingredients and medical-grade skincare products. The result is clear, more radiant skin with no discomfort and no redness or irritation. We recommend scheduling one facial per month to compound your results and see continual complexion improvement.

Facial Services

Our aestheticians will cleanse and apply steam to your face to open up the pores. Next, the face is gently exfoliated to remove dead skin cells before clogged pores like whiteheads and blackheads and manually extracted. A facial mask is applied to address specific skin concerns you may have, followed by the application of serum, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen. Once your facial is over, you’ll be given any necessary aftercare instructions. You will also be given the opportunity to consult with your aesthetician about the products they used on your face and get recommendations for skincare products and techniques to try at home.

What Does a Facial Involve?

Book Your Appointment for a Luxurious Facial with Sugar Body NY

Sugar Body NY is delighted to offer many services to help you feel pampered and confident. We offer many aesthetic services, from the tried-and-true facials, to less-well-known vajacials, or facials for your bikini area.

Ready to look present your best face ever? We welcome you to book a facial at Sugar Body NY by calling our medspa today at (347) 395-8053. You can also contact us online by clicking here.