Face & Body Sugaring

100% Organic Hair Removal Service for a Smoother, Sleeker You

More people are tuning in to the exciting trend of sugaring for hair removal as it is more natural and therefore a safer approach to face and body hair removal. The sugar paste used for face and body hair removal is 100% natural and organic, made of water, lemon, and sugar. It is heated and then cooled to a candy-like consistency before being applied to the unwanted hair in the opposite direction of its growth. Next, it is quickly removed as it is pulled by its roots in the same direction of its growth. Unlike traditional hot wax treatments, sugaring is hypoallergenic, water-soluble, and will not burn the skin. It is safe for use both on the face and body.

Face Sugaring Services

When it comes to hair removal methods, you have many options, but need to be careful to choose one that won’t cause unwanted redness, irritation, or other side effects. For example, tweezing is tedious, depilatory creams can cause redness, shaving can lead to razor burn, laser hair removal is expensive, and so on. Waxing is a popular option, but the wax mixture is less environmentally friendly than what is used in sugar paste, as it contains various chemicals, resins, and preservatives, but sugar paste only contains 3 basic ingredients: sugar, water, and lemon. The gentle exfoliation caused by sugaring hair removal is known to improve facial texture and tone.

Body Sugaring Services

Looking for a better hair removal method than hot waxing or shaving? You may want to look into body sugaring. A naturally hypoallergenic, hygienic, and antiseptic hair removal technique, sugaring may be perfect for you if you’re tired of doing things like shaving your bikini line and ending up with razor burn and bumps. Or maybe you’re through with getting routine hot waxing sessions and facing ingrown hairs and painful irritation afterward. Whatever your reason for trying something new, sugaring is preferred by so many people because it is gentler, more natural, and results in less discomfort and other negative side effects. 

Sugaring is comparable to waxing, but the mixture is 100% organic and water-soluble. It also doesn’t adhere directly to your skin, so it causes far less irritation when the sugar paste is removed. It is suitable for sensitive skin and helps eliminate ingrown hairs and reduces hair growth with continued sugaring sessions. 


Sugaring is exfoliating. It is therefore extremely important to read these contraindications before getting a service. Sunburned, irritated, or areas with open skin cannot be sugared. You must wait a minimum of seven (7) days after a light chemical peel or microdermabrasion treatment before being sugared. Sugaring cannot be performed if you have been in a tanning booth on the same day. Sugaring cannot be performed if you have had laser skin resurfacing within the past year. Sugaring cannot be performed if you have had a physician administered peel within the past two (2) years in the area you would like to sugar. Please have a doctor clear you for sugaring if you are taking medications that thin the skin (such as Retin-A), blood thinners, or medications that cause you to be sun-sensitive. Some of these include:










Retin A




To book an appointment for face and body sugaring services in Hempstead, please call (347) 395-8053 today or reach out online now.